Happy Moment #44: Nutrition Boot Camp
There is no way that at the beginning of this 14 day food "bootcamp" that I would have thought this item would be mentioned on my "happy" list. But now that I am on the last day -- day 14 -- I have to admit that it makes me happy to think about the fact that I am better at listening to the needs of my body. And I haven't really done that for a long time (if ever?).
The whole idea of doing Jaime R's Fab 14 Nutrition Boot Camp was to try and get more control over the IBS that is making my life super difficult at times. I am often bloated and, well, passing gas continuously to the point that I am zapped of energy and grump a good portion of the time. And that sucks.
My good friend Jaime introduced me to her Jaime, a nutrition guru, who helped me eliminate processed good from my diet. I have started food prepping on Sunday nights so I make little lunch boxes like what you see below:
I am proud of myself! I cheated pretty minimally -- I ate a few slices of Jim's homemade bread 2-3 times (but it is made from scratch with no preservatives or bad stuff so maybe not much of a cheat?). I haven't had a soda in more than three weeks at this point. I haven't lost any weight but my tummy does feel better. I am most amazed that drinking smoothies on my super busy days keeps me more satisfied than chomping on items out of the vending machine. So ... it is all a win!